
Allergic to words-missing their true origin

on February 7, 1979

“There exist a number of words which many of you have become allergic to — words used in the Bible and in organized religion, words that have indeed often been misused and abused. But these words have nevertheless a true origin that should not be forgotten. The name of divine manifestation in form — Jesus Christ — is, as you well know, one such word. If you heard a description of God as form, as personal helper, friend, guide to you, as all-forgiver, as a being of translucent light and perfection, you could accept it. So do not let the word Jesus Christ stand in your way. He is the Christ, and He was Jesus when He incarnated.

“Similarly you have associations with the words sin, hell, evil, devil. All these words have been grossly abused. That is true. But they nevertheless only indicate the same facts and factors that we now call by different names such as lower self aspects, negativities, destructiveness, a painful state of mind, etc.” (PL #258)

Pathwork OfficeAllergic to words-missing their true origin

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