“Jesus, the man, was the incarnation of the Christ .. the highest, the most exalted of all created beings. He is the first direct and inborn creation of God. His substance is the same as the substance of God. All of you have some of this substance, that which I call the higher self or the divine spark, that which has to come out through spiritual development gradually. But no other created being has this substance to quite the same degree as Christ. And there is the difference.
“I can see again and again that human beings think or feel: “Why He? If He is the Son of God, so are we sons of God. Why should He be better? Or more exalted or higher? Why? This is not just.” These thoughts and feelings are often lurking in the soul of man even if he does not dare to make that thought conscious. In this very same thought lies the germ of the fall of the angels. This very thought, this very attitude started once long before the material earth existed and caused the coming into existence of disharmony and of evil. Certainly, none who had ever thought so realized at the time the danger of such an attitude or realized what lay in it, realized that in this, let us call it jealousy, actually lies a lack of faith in God, in his capacity of love. For even though God created in His first Son the highest of all beings and gave most of His substance to Him, if you will have the trust and faith the Creator deserves, you will not think that this is unjust or that you will lack anything. Oh, nowadays people do not go so far in thinking through these thoughts, but that slight feeling of resistance against Christ in a number of people represents the germ of the fall, the germ of evil. This is the way it all started.” (PL #19)
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