
To be in union with God, you must be of the same substance, endowed with the same aspects and qualities.

on January 1, 1958

“Man often advances the idea that God should not have endowed His creatures with free will, for then the fall could never have happened. Or, at least, God should have interfered when it all started. But this is so shortsighted, so blind. Happiness can only exist for any created being to be in union with God. And to be in union with God, you must be of the same substance, endowed with the same aspects and qualities. Otherwise a union is impossible –even chemically this is so! Since God is freedom and freedom is one of the most important divine aspects, God’s creatures must have this same freedom, otherwise they would be unlike God and thus incapable of being in union with Him. And this freedom, or free will and free choice, entails perforce the possibility to direct that free will contrary to divine law. In the right free choice and the abstaining from abuse of power lies divinity, lies love and wisdom and a number of further divine attributes. It is of utmost importance for all of you to grasp this idea, for then you will be able to answer many questions that you may not have understood so far.” (PL #20)

Pathwork OfficeTo be in union with God, you must be of the same substance, endowed with the same aspects and qualities.

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