
The more developed person in relationships is responsible for inner work since other isn’t capable

on March 13, 1970

“When people who are of uneven spiritual development are involved with one another, it is always the higher developed person who has the responsibility for the relationship. I mean here specifically that he is responsible for searching the depths of the inner level of interaction, responsible for any friction and disharmony between the parties. The lower developed person is not capable of such a search. He is still involved with blaming the other and is dependent on the other’s doing “right” in order to avoid unpleasantness or frustration… It is only the spiritually more developed person who is capable of realistic, undualistic perception. He may see that either one of the involved parties may have a deeper problem, which does not eliminate the importance of the possibly much lesser problem of the other person. He will always be willing and able to search his own involvement whenever he is negatively affected by a specific relationship no matter how blatantly at fault the other one may be.” (PL #180)

Pathwork OfficeThe more developed person in relationships is responsible for inner work since other isn’t capable

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