“Long before the existence of the material world, a part of the created beings who have been endowed, not only with free will, but also with a certain power, have abused this power. I have explained how this came about in a very slow process. This fall of the angels, as it is called, has happened very slowly — a slow process of degeneration it might be called, whereby everything divine very slowly and gradually turned into its opposite aspect. And, with this, a separation occurred between those who abused their power and those who did not. I have often said — and this applies to all beings, spirit or man — that your attitudes, your opinions, your feelings, your thoughts create the spiritual worlds even though you may still live on earth. Thus you each create the world which will be yours. In the same way, the spirits participating in the fall created new worlds according to their changing attitudes — dark worlds, worlds that are often referred to as hell.”(PL #21)
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